Tips & Tricks

Helpful Tips & Tricks for Agency Owners!

Helpful Tips & Tricks for Home Care Agency Owners in Idaho

Just some friendly tips & tricks ????

Signed Information Release, indicates your organization has on file a signed statement by the Participant authorizing release of medical data to other organizations. This is for the automated billing feature. Your patients DO NOT have to accept this. The feature will still work even if you put it as informed, declined release.

You can send a secure message to Gainswell by clicking on the yellow envelope ✉ icon. You can include all denied claims in the message, but you most include the following items for them to view and process your message: Claim #, Pay to NPI, Pay to Name, Member Name, Member Date of Birth, Date of Service, and Total Bill Charges. Include your name, reason for messaging, and the error message you received from Gainswell. This will help you get straight answers on how to fix your claim and get it accepted.

Phone Numbers: 208-373-1351 – 208-373-1424
Need the link to the Medicaid handbook? Click here

Make sure to check your Sandata visits in your Sandata dashboard for any error messages. Any error messages you don’t understand, email Sandata or email us the error.

Try to NOT date span when submitting claims. Date spanning can result in EVV and Claim data not matching. Data not matching = denial to your claim!

Some providers, for payroll purposes, are consistently rounding up to the next 15-minute unit. This principle does not apply to visit time. Sandata does not “round” any data that it consumes. Example: a visit clock in is 10:03AM and the clock out time is 10:50AM. Total visit time = 47 minutes. This means that only 3 15-minute units are billable, not 4 units. If the provider bills 4 units, the claim will deny for unit mismatch.

The claims’ engine does not apply “lesser of” billing logic for units mismatch: if provider’s billable hours are 27 units in Sandata, and provider bills 28 on the corresponding claim, currently the claim is denying for unit mismatch. It is critically important that providers’ billed units do not exceed the corresponding billable visit time.
Follow the link here to view all the EVV Idaho Medicaid resources.

Check your visits in Carehandler for any error messages and to ensure that all visits have been sent off successfully to Sandata for processing.

You can now go to the visit’s section of Carehandler, click on “Export Visits Rendered” and export all visit data that included the service code & the total number of units used for that visit! We hope this helps when you are submitting claims. All your data is now is one place 🙂

Caregivers filling out missing appointments will still count towards EVV. Make sure you have your caregivers fill out those shifts, then go into visits and make sure you make any administrative adjusts before hitting submit!

There cannot be any spaces or symbols in an employees or caregivers name! Sandata will reject the visit if they have any. Also, when entering a SSN, make sure to just add the last 5 digits and not any (-) or symbols!

When entering a participant’s address, if they live in an apartment complex, please make sure to put their apartment number in the address line. This will insure no errors come up when caregivers try and click on an address.

Make sure each employee has their SSN filled out so that Sandata can verify the visit. Make sure each profile has been ‘updated’.

The Caregiver will be able to clock in to the current appointment anytime BEFORE the shift end time. For example, if the shift is scheduled to start at 9am and end at 1pm, they have anytime from 9am to 12:59pm to clock into the shift and record their time. The shift stays open in case the caregiver is late by a force they cannot control, they need to start later for reasons given by the participant, or if by administration approval they are able to start later than the start time. Please instruct them that they will need to still work the scheduled hours, not necessarily the scheduled time.

If an employee or participant has an unapproved error from Sandata in their profile, sometimes all it takes is to hit the ‘update’ button in the top right of the participant/employee profile.
Any unknown Sandata error you receive, please forward it on to us by taking a screenshot and giving us a quick message as to what you were trying to accomplish before this error came up. We can help communicate with Sandata’s support team to get some answers for you 🙂

Pending status in visits means the caregiver needs to fill out the appointment in missed appointments. Make sure they give a reason why they missed it or attended the visit at another time OR if there were technical difficulties make sure they put that reason in there.

Make sure location tracking is turned on for the app by going to settings –> carehandler app –> Location –> Always allow or allow while using.

Sometimes on android it can help if your caregivers are not seeing things to clear their app data and cache. Here is a video on how to do that —> View Video

Don’t be afraid to troubleshoot the issue with your team. You can certainly ask us for help, but this helps us get to the bottom of the issue faster if these things are answered first.

Ask questions like this to help get to the bottom of an issue:
Is all the employee and patient information filled out?
Is this email being used with another agency? Does this Caregiver have multiple jobs with another agency using Carehandler?
Is the email correct and spelled correctly?
Did I have my caregiver take a video of what is happening? Did I take screenshots of the error messages and problems I am having?

Home Care Pulse has some great resources on their website to help Home Care agencies tackle the everyday challenges they face. Check them out when you get a chance!

Don’t forget that we are constantly making this app better for you and love getting feedback on the product! Thank you for all your support!

Idaho Medicaid

New Idaho Medicaid Rates Starting this July!

New Idaho Medicaid Rates Starting this July!

Here it is! The moment we’ve been waiting for!

Our team was able to find what the new Idaho Medicaid Rate increases will be starting this July!

If your agency needs any help understanding how this new rates work and how to fix your billing – do not hesitate to reach out to the Carehandler team!

Click here to view the new rates!

Content from Home Care Pulse

How to Avoid Losing Clients to Senior Living

How to Avoid Losing Clients to Senior Living

Did you know that 66% of seniors who planned on moving to senior living in 2020 were skeptical of moving due to COVID-19? The decisions behind those moves are difficult to predict if you are not directly involved in the process.

In home care, it’s hard to anticipate when your clients might move. Other than when you are informed of their relocation, you generally don’t know they were even looking. When your revenue is at risk, it’s a challenge to shuffle caregivers onto other shifts without interrupting their schedules.

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Content from Home Care Pulse

How to Create the Best Possible Experience for Your Home Care Clients

How to Create the Best Possible Experience for Your Home Care Clients

As we are all seeing, home care is becoming increasingly client-centric. Pandemic or otherwise.

And there is a rising swell of clients who seek such care, in countries around the world.

Competition for their attention, and the ability to attract and retain caregivers, is higher than ever. Meanwhile, fee-for-service is giving way to value-based purchasing, meaning the outcomes of care – not just the delivery of care – really matter.

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Health Service Providers Section within Patient Profile

Health Service Providers Section within Patient Profile

You will notice that now you can add each part of your patient’s life on their profile. This section is OPTIONAL, however it is a great place to add where they go to doctor, dentist, their hospice agency. That way, the office staff has a quick way to verify who they need to contact in case the patient needs assistance from one of those locations or if your agency needs to request documentation (or other items) from that location.

Think of that space as a place to store more information about the patient, without having to keep it on a sticky note somewhere!

Content from Home Care Pulse

6 Recruitment Strategies Every Home Care Agency Owner Needs to Compete in a Competitive Job Market

6 Recruitment Strategies, Every Home Care Agency Owner Needs to Compete in a Competitive Job Market

I remember when I tried to wing my grandpa’s famous Norwegian Krumkake recipe. Growing up, I had seen my mom make them dozens of times, so I relied on my memory for the recipe.

In the process, I forgot multiple ingredients, couldn’t remember the measurements of others, and ended up improvising the tools and length needed to bake them. I was left with a very vague resemblance to the traditional cookie that no one wanted to try and would certainly make my ancestors roll over in their grave.

Needless to say, I’ll be baking with the family recipe book open from now on.
Like baking, successful recruitment requires following a strategy with precise measurements in order to create an irresistible employment opportunity that everyone wants a piece of.

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EVV Mandate

2021 Sandata Impact Report

2021 Sandata Impact Report

Carehandler has been working hard to ensure our clients are 100% compliant with the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Mandate in the State of Idaho. Our team has been working closely with Sandata Technologies to make that happen. Their team has been very helpful with answering our questions and concerns along the way. They did just share their Impact Report for the year 2021.

We wanted to make sure our followers and customers had a chance to review this document. Thank you!

Sandata Impact Report, 2021

Content from Home Care Pulse

6 Interview Strategies for Hiring the Best Long-Term Caregivers

6 Interview Strategies for Hiring the Best Long-Term Caregivers

According to the 2021 Annual Benchmarking Study, while 47% of all interviewees were hired as caregivers, turnover rate remained at 65%. A new hire may give your agency a quick win, but it’s clear the existing interview process isn’t identifying dependable, long-term caregivers, and it’s hurting your business. It is costing your agency an average of $2,600 per caregiver—and the headache of replacing over half your employees each year.

Why are good quality applicants making it past the interview but not past one year of employment?

74% of employers believe their biggest recruiting challenge is the lack of qualified candidates to choose from, but 31.4% of workers in the U.S. voluntarily left their job from September 2020 to September 2021. Qualified candidates are ready and available; you just need to know your audience.

Click here to continue reading!!


Notes & Category Manager

Notes and Category Manager Feature

Managing notes is never easy with notes and category manager feature on Carehandler! We know how important it is to keep track of patient and employee items on a regular basis. Without a way to quickly find those notes or keep them organized, your team will not be able to provide the best possible care as they will be stressed about finding an important note or visit documentation.

NO NEED TO FEAR! Our notes and category manager is the solution to this. The dashboard works like any other dashboard, there is a filter, preview of the notes, option to export, and ability to categorize your notes by date (ascending or descending).

Basically, all you need to do is create your category by going to the category menu option (if you hover over them, it should say category manager). Once there, you can create new categories, meaning this is how you will organize your notes. You can call them anything you want and make them active or inactive at any time!

Next, go into notes manager by going to the note’s menu option right above the category option. You can click the “new note” on the top right and begin documenting anything you’d like, from patient visit, to employee chat, to medicine notes on a patient, garage code, anything you’d like! Those notes, once tagged with a patient, will also show up in the patient profile.

One more awesome thing about this feature is that when a caregiver makes a note on a visit through the app, it will be organized and categorized there as well! You will see all important notes and unread notes show up as notifications. If they get too overwhelming, you can make them all as unread at once!

If you have other questions, view this link for a quick overview! Notes & Category Manager Training.

We are excited for this and hope you find value in this new feature!

Content from Home Care Pulse

5 Signs the Time to Hire a Recruiter for Your Home Care Agency was Yesterday

5 Signs the Time to Hire a Recruiter for Your Home Care Agency was Yesterday

Being a home care agency owner comes with many titles: Business owner. Manager. Accountant. Administrative assistant…and many more. But here’s why “Recruiter” may not need to be in your job description anymore.

The average agency will hire around 81 caregivers this year, but our research shows that 65% of them will quit by the end of the year. At $2,600 per caregiver, that’s means it will cost your agency approximately $136,890 in annual caregiver turnover costs to replace them!

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